Hard Vs Soft Renovation 101: All You Need to Know

Sep 24, 2023

Know whether you need a hard or soft renovation.

Homeowner performing hard renovations for their home

Renovating your home is something one doesn’t declare on a whim. There are many reasons people decide to renovate or remodel their homes. It can range from changing their needs or purpose for a room to making major repairs and replacements.

But no matter the reason, there are two types of renovation homeowners do: Hard Renovation and Soft Renovation. Why does it matter whether you’re doing a hard or soft renovation? And other than the changes made, how will you know what type of renovation you’ll need?

In this blog, we’ll share what those types are and explain the difference between the two.

Hard Renovation

Hard renovation is where you perform major changes in your home. They are typically time-consuming renovations and can be quite expensive, depending on the changes being made. Additionally, hard renovations might require you to hire contractors to get the job done. They can also become an inconvenience, even more so if you are unprepared for it. This is because most hard renovations need you to vacate the area and make it unusable for the time being. 

Some examples of hard renovations are:

  • Adding or removing walls
  • Altering ventilations
  • Moving plumbing, electrical wiring, and other building systems
  • Installing tiles or flooring
  • Adding or removing utilities such as bathtubs, toilets, and more

Hard renovations create a bigger, more notable, and more defined impact on your home. Because of this, it can greatly improve the value of your property. But because much work is done during hard renovations, the price to get the desired results might take a toll on your finances. 

Soft Renovation

Unlike hard renovations, soft renovation is where you make minor changes to your home. This type of renovation focuses on updating the décor and finish for a fresher and newer look. If some hard renovations limit your use of a room or facility, there’s no such issue when doing soft renovations. This is also more affordable and won’t take up much time to finish. Not only that but some soft renovations can be done by homeowners themselves.

Some examples of soft renovations are:

  • Arranging furniture
  • Painting the walls or floors
  • Adding or removing artwork on walls
  • Storing and organizing items
  • Insulating and preparing your home for winter

Even though soft renovations don’t give your home the same value as hard renovations, they can still have an impact on your property. And since you won’t need major changes in this type of renovation, you likely won’t need to spend much. You also get to save more if you do the minor renovations yourself, such as painting or arranging furniture.

Even though both types have pros and cons, it’s easy to figure out what type of renovation you’ll get for your home. It all depends on what you need, your goals to meet that need, and your budget.

If you need an additional room because you’re expecting an addition to your family, then hard renovation is an option. On the other hand, a soft renovation is what you need if you want to freshen up your home and make it look new. But if you’re unsure what you want or need for your home, don’t hesitate to ask a professional for advice.

Looking for a contractor who can help you assess your needs? Call us, and our Grand Rapids Remodeling Pros team will be happy to help you!

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