How to Know It’s Time for A Bathroom Remodel

Sep 15, 2023

Transform your bathroom with the power of remodeling.

Peeling paint and old style are just some of the signs its time to remodel your bathroom

The bathroom is one of the most integral parts of a house. Because of that, it’s one of the many rooms we use. With time and constant usage, it won’t be surprising that your bathroom suffers signs of deterioration and wear.

If you’re considering a bathroom remodel, this might be the perfect time to do it! You can get the ball rolling to achieve your dream bathroom. And that’s not all because plenty more benefits await you just by remodeling your bathroom. Some of these advantages are:

Comfort and Aesthetics. A remodeled bathroom can ensure your comfort and become an appealing sight to your senses. You can update it to the latest style and add lights and fixtures to make your bathroom use more relaxing and comfortable.

Improved Functionality. Suppose you’re having trouble using your bathroom. In that case, you can remodel it to enhance its functionality and make it easier to use. For example, turn your cramped shower space into something bigger or replace that bulky bathtub with a walk-in shower.

Boost in Property Value. Since bathrooms are one of the most essential rooms in a house, a beautiful and efficient one can be valuable. You might be looking at a 70% increase in your ROI along with a higher and faster resale chance after a good bathroom remodel.

But how can you know it’s high time to remodel your bathroom? In this blog, we’ll discuss the signs that you need a bathroom remodel.

Change or Additional Purpose

Nothing lasts forever, and change is the only constant in the world. Your needs and purpose are no exception. Let’s say that your bathroom is already good and comfortable for you to use. Until life goes on, you find a partner and have kids or pets. You must ensure that your bathroom is accessible for the little ones and can accommodate their needs.

This also applies if your parents moved in and you’d like to make it easier for them. In some cases, getting a walk-in shower is better than letting them move in and out of a bathtub. You might also realize you’re not using utilities like a bathtub or a vanity. If that’s the case, you can increase the space by removing them and replacing them with something you deem more useful.

Outdated Style

Sometimes, looking at the same thing for so long can get boring and tiring. And if your bathroom already looks that way since you bought your home, the chances of it being the same as your style are low. Suppose you want to modernize the relic that is your bathroom or make changes to match your style and preference. In that case, a bathroom renovation is in order. You don’t have to remove them if you’re partial to a vintage style. Instead, you can update and refresh the décor to match your preferred style.

Cramped and Small Spaces

Are you bumping into things while moving about in your bathroom? Does it feel like you’re a spy avoiding laser beam sensors to avoid colliding with the fixtures? These are signs that your bathroom might be too crowded or have little space for safe maneuvering.

For old houses, it’s unfortunate that most of their bathroom layouts aren’t made with the needs of the modern world in mind. Most of the time, these homes dedicated small spaces for their bathrooms. You might need some remodeling to make your bathroom more spacious and easy to move in.

Signs of Mold

Bathrooms are humid, and they’re almost always wet. Because of this, they’re the perfect place for mold and mildew to grow. As long as you spot the signs quickly and remove minor mold with bleach, it has little chance of regrowing. And if you already have a major mold problem, using bleach won’t be enough. It’s best to remove mold-infected sections and make renovations that can reduce mold and mildew growth.

Damaged or Faulty Fixtures

Faulty fixtures such as leaky faucets and damaged pipes can cause many problems other than annoying you with the constant dripping sound. If your water constantly leaks, mold and mildew won’t take long to grow. Also, faulty pipelines that cause leakage can lead to high water bills. Even the smallest leaks can result in a lot of damage to your property, your wallet, or both. If you are experiencing these inconveniences, it’s probably time to remodel your bathroom and fix those issues.

Bathrooms, like your kitchen and bedroom, are an integral part of the house. Since it’s a room that fulfills one of our important needs, make sure the bathroom is safe and comfortable for us to use. Renovating it to fit your needs and preferences while providing comfort can improve your bathroom experience significantly.

Did you spot these signs in your own bathroom? If so, give us a ring at Grand Rapids Remodeling Pros! We have a capable team that can help you with remodeling and achieve your dream bathroom.

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